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 Play Button on Episode Cards?
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Posted - 10 Aug 2012 :  22:28:31  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Hi there. I just got this program a few days ago and am still learning how to use it. It's by far the best software that I've tried. I've been loving the html cards and how you export them all to a database. I've noticed that there is a play movie button for the movies in your database, however, for tv show episodes there doesn't appear to be one? Is this just the way the template was made or is it not possible to have a play button for each episode of a show?


4677 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2012 :  01:19:53  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
At the moment there is no possibility to play single episodes. I think there is only missing a variable but I'm not really sure about. The whole TVShow thingy was implemented after all, so it's a little less comfortable in some cases and misses some features.
But I think the new release 8 will solve those missings. It's still in progress but I hope the first beta will be released soon.
Maybe in one or two monthes... but as Ale is the only programmer it's depending on his time.

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Posted - 11 Aug 2012 :  03:41:32  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm not a programmer or anything but I imagine that it's just a quick edit to get a play button on the page for each episode, as the page has all the media info for the file so it's obviously recognizing the file. I look forward to the new release.

Originally posted by JDommi

At the moment there is no possibility to play single episodes. I think there is only missing a variable but I'm not really sure about. The whole TVShow thingy was implemented after all, so it's a little less comfortable in some cases and misses some features.
But I think the new release 8 will solve those missings. It's still in progress but I hope the first beta will be released soon.
Maybe in one or two monthes... but as Ale is the only programmer it's depending on his time.

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