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 IMDB script does not work correctly

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
micklecat Posted - 20 Jun 2021 : 10:31:02
I use XMM10. Main script for downloading movie data is, of course, IMDB. For a long time it worked incorrectly, downloaded seversl persons as Directors instead of one Director. Now it cannot download movie data at all. No Country, no Year, no Director. And no any updates to script! No new versions of XMM, version 11 is a stub only, it doesn't work. What we paid for? I am ready to pay more, but I want to have a correctly functioning movie database. But it seems like development is abandoned.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kipcior Posted - 05 Oct 2024 : 15:56:30
I noticied that my script also stopped scrapping Genre, so if it's the same for you, you can take this part of script from my version, which I just tested and works. It works for Genre and Subgenres.

    //Take only ONE genre, the others goes in the Subgenre
    //Read info from MAIN webpage
    #FINDLINE#=<span class="ipc-chip__text"#11# #ONERROR#=*STOP*
    #FIND#=<span class="ipc-chip__text"#11# #ONERROR#=*OK*
    #FIND#=>#11# #ONERROR#=*OK*

    #FIND#=<span class="ipc-chip__text"#11# #ONERROR#=*STOP*
    #FIND#=>#11# #ONERROR#=*OK*

One important thing not working for me is length and I can;t find easy rule to get this. Does it work for you?
Rincewindwiz Posted - 13 Sep 2024 : 22:58:15
Hi and thanks for this
My problem lies with movies not series and is concerned certain data (Year among others) as opposed to the movie list which works fine (except that it does not limit the title search to movies :-( )

But I had a look anyway

My entire IMDB.COM script has very few instances of #FIND#=div class= and none that go on "sc-"
Also it does not contain the string jKMtaG [so replacing it will be difficult ]

But it did make me look at the script more carefully and I discovered option 85 (Get the movie year was set to 0 - dont get year) and then I remembered that the device scanner used to take a number in the title that was inside () as being the year and it is no longer doing this.
Oh well at least I can fix my current issue
Sabry Posted - 07 Sep 2024 : 14:14:35
Thank you Kipcior, problem solved replacing the lines :)

Great job!
Kipcior Posted - 03 Sep 2024 : 20:14:53
Before JDommi comes back, let me share what fixed TV series list for me.
Under section @CREATEMOVIELIST in the TV series script for IMDB, find these three lines (they're not one after another but all in this section):

#FINDLINE#=<div class="sc-daafffbc-0 jKMtaG">#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*

#FIND#=div class="sc-daafffbc-0 jKMtaG">#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*

#FIND#=<div class="sc-daafffbc-0 jKMtaG">#11#

and in these three lines, replace this string:


with this string:


so in the end they will look like this:

#FINDLINE#=<div class="sc-daafffbc-0 bGPFAy">#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*

#FIND#=div class="sc-daafffbc-0 bGPFAy">#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*

#FIND#=<div class="sc-daafffbc-0 bGPFAy">#11#

Then save the file and should work again.

This solved the problem for me with showing TV series list, which was empty - they must have modified this part on the search results list page.

I have not checked anything else, so not sure what else has broken, but changing this allowed me to import full new series of The Boys including episodes.
Rincewindwiz Posted - 30 Aug 2024 : 12:30:01
Originally posted by JDommi doesn't work for about a decade
Please you the latest script I have posted in the forum.

yes - sorry about that. I haven't updated for a while
So I found a script on page 12 of this thread at
I downloaded it, renamed it and overwrite the existing IMDB script. When I tried it
  • I got a list OK but it did not limit the search to movies (so the list was full of podcasts and the like)
  • Then, once I had selected the right item from the list, several movies did not import run length but most of the other fields seemed OK

I see recently there has been a load of discussion and parts of scripts posted but for idiots like me, is there a current complete IMDB script that works?

Sabry Posted - 06 Aug 2024 : 09:47:18
Hi JDommi,
the script IMDB for tv series doesn't work anymore

I hope you can fix it...

JDommi Posted - 27 May 2024 : 07:21:09 doesn't work for about a decade
Please you the latest script I have posted in the forum.
Rincewindwiz Posted - 26 May 2024 : 20:36:09
XMM 9. IMDB Complete does not work any more. It cycles through the selected movie list but does nothing. It seems to search for example
and find nothing

if I paste this URL into the address bar I get
Site cannot be reached
Just checking, also produces site cannot be reached

JDommi Posted - 10 Feb 2024 : 19:07:32
Now it's still killing that the IMDB-Scraper by tarzibou doesn't work anymore
Sabry Posted - 10 Feb 2024 : 11:54:22
Thank you JDommi, now it's ok :-)
JDommi Posted - 10 Feb 2024 : 11:36:47
I think IMDB will change the code sooner or later again as there is a data-testid once again in the html code.
But so long you only have to modify 2 lines in the #CREATEEPISODELIST#

-------------------------------------------------------- Phase II --------------------------------------------------------

    #WRITETITLELIST#=---- List of Episodes Found, Select ALL you want Import and Add in Database:
    #FINDLINE#=<h4 data-testid="#12#  #ONERROR#=*STOP*
    #WRITEWARNING#=Season #33#
        #FIND#=<h4 data-testid="#12#  #ONERROR#=*OK*
JDommi Posted - 07 Feb 2024 : 18:07:02
Once again
I will have a look at the weekend.
Sabry Posted - 07 Feb 2024 : 10:06:39
Hi JDommi, the episodes list doesn't appear anymore :(
Could you please have a look?

JDommi Posted - 14 Jan 2024 : 21:09:32
And now the full script as promised:

#CREATEEPIDOSELIST# is fixed, too.

I didn't have checked any of the info taken for series or episode as I don't wanna have everything in my database. So if you are missing anything I will (try to) do it.

Next up there are 2 things I will do:
1. re-add the meanwhile disabled one or two lists in the additional IMDB script as tarzibou (thanks again!) has fixed the latest changes on IMDB a few weeks ago.
2. fix the IAFD scripts as promised.
JDommi Posted - 13 Jan 2024 : 18:37:02
Part 1 #CREATEMOVIELIST# now is fixed.
Part2 #CREATEEPISODELIST# will follow soon.

	#FINDLINE#=#FINDLINE#=<ul class="ipc-metadata-list#23##ONERROR#=*OK*
	#IF# #23#>>#00#
	#FINDLINE#=<div class="sc-daafffbc-0 jKMtaG">#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*
		#FIND#=div class="sc-daafffbc-0 jKMtaG">#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*
		#FINDPREVIOUS#=class="ipc-image"#11# #ONERROR#=*OK*
		#IF# #11#<<#10#
		#TAKEWORD#=#08#,#04#,#05#  //Coverpic
		#FIND#= href="#04#
		#TAKEWORD#=#06#,#04#,#05#  //Link
		#TAKEWORD#=#07#,#04#,#05#  //Title

		#FIND#=<div class="sc-daafffbc-0 jKMtaG">#11#

		#FIND#=<span class="#04#
		#IF# #04#>>#11#
		#TAKEWORD#=#09#,#04#,#05#  //Info
		#PUT#=TV Series#12#
		#PUT#=TV Mini Series#13#
		#IF# #09#==#12#
		#IF# #09#==#13#
		#STRING#=#07#=#07# (#09#)
		#IF# #01#==#02#
			#WRITETITLELIST#=    ---> #07# §#08#
	#WHILE# #00#<>#10#
	#IF# #17#==#00#

	// No titles were found		
	#WRITETITLELIST#= ~~~~~~~~   The script couldn't find any titles matching that name.   ~~~~~~~~
	#WRITETITLELIST#= If you know an alternative name for this movie then you could try to enter it
	#WRITETITLELIST#= again and after make import again							
	#WRITETITLELIST#= If it still doesn't find anything then try to go to this page and search for it manually:
	#WRITETITLELIST#= If you could find it manually then please post a bugreport in this thread in the XMM forum:
JDommi Posted - 09 Jan 2024 : 19:33:04

I will try it this weekend. Maybe I will find a way for recieving only real series.

Btw. the #ENDIF# after #WRITETITLELIST#= ---> #07# §#08# is too much
3 times #IF# but 4 times #ENDIF#.
Kipcior Posted - 09 Jan 2024 : 08:53:25
I used the second one.

here is part of my code for MOVIELIST - again, might be dirty and not as clean as yours but at least it creates a list of movies so maybe you'll find sometihng useful in it.

#FINDLINE#=<ul class="ipc-metadata-list#23##ONERROR#=*OK*
#IF# #23#==#00#
#FIND#=<div class="ipc-media ipc-media--poster#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*
#FIND#=<img alt="#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*
#FIND#= href="/title/#04#
#FINDPREVIOUS#=class="ipc-image"#11# #ONERROR#=*OK*
#IF# #11#<<#10#
#TAKEWORD#=#08#,#04#,#05# //Coverpic
#FIND#= href="#04#
#TAKEWORD#=#06#,#04#,#05# //Link
#TAKEWORD#=#07#,#04#,#05# //Title
#FIND#=<li role="presentation"#04#
#FIND#=<span class="#04#
#TAKEWORD#=#09#,#04#,#05# //Year(s)
#STRING#=#07#=#07# (#08#) #09#
#WRITETITLELIST#= ---> #07# §#08#
#WHILE# #00#<>#10#
#IF# #17#==#00#
// No titles were found
#WRITETITLELIST#= ~~~~~~~~ The script couldn't find any titles matching that name. ~~~~~~~~
#WRITETITLELIST#= If you know an alternative name for this movie then you could try to enter it
#WRITETITLELIST#= again and after make import again
#WRITETITLELIST#= If it still doesn't find anything then try to go to this page and search for it manually:
#WRITETITLELIST#= If you could find it manually then please post a bugreport in this thread in the XMM forum:
JDommi Posted - 08 Jan 2024 : 22:34:35
Which Search did you try?
There are 3 different webqueries:,mini_series&view=simple (this one I have used for the list above. That also was the last working query.)

The strange thing is that I get about 1400 Lines of code instead of about 1800.

And thanks for correcting the missing #, although it doesn't change anything.

Would be great if you can manage it to get the search working, Kipcior!
Kipcior Posted - 08 Jan 2024 : 21:08:53
I was able to get the list of movies using different search and differnt criteria but after I pick the title from the list, it crashes along the way so still need to work on it. And it is not using advanced search so it retrieves nor only tv show but also normal movies.

Anyhow, I noticed in your script that in line where you form final string of the movie list item, last variable is without ending #:

#STRING#=#07#=#07# (#08#) #09

Not sure if it helps a bit but something to correct for sure.

I also have a different escape condition, at the beginning of block because you're checking using 'greater' operator, while I am using equal to - probably both ways are correct so depends on the approach
JDommi Posted - 07 Jan 2024 : 18:15:32
Today I have tried again to get the movielist back again - without any success like in the previous tests yesterday
I don't know what imdb has changed but neither the simple search nor the advanced search seem to pass the data to XMM.
All in all I have now worked on the script for about 8 hours and I become frustrated more and more...

Maybe someone has an idea of how to get the list back again

If not I will try to make a special loader although I don't know if the MagicScriptEngine is able to process that on the episodes.
    #FINDLINE#=<div data-testid="no-results-image-container-test-id" class="sc-e6ec60f0-0 cULCE">#23##ONERROR#=*OK*
    #IF# #23#>>#00#
    #FINDLINE#=<div class="sc-53c98e73-3 kttqmq">#10# #ONERROR#=*STOP*
        #FIND#=div class="sc-53c98e73-3 kttqmq">#10#  #ONERROR#=*STOP*
        #FIND#=<a href="/title/#04#
        #FINDPREVIOUS#=class="ipc-image"#11# #ONERROR#=*OK*
        #IF# #11#<<#10#
        #TAKEWORD#=#08#,#04#,#05#  //Coverpic
        #FIND#=a href="#04#
        #TAKEWORD#=#06#,#04#,#05#  //Link
        #FIND#=<h3 class="ipc-title__text">#04#
        #FIND#= #04#
        #TAKEWORD#=#07#,#04#,#05#  //Title
        #FIND#=<div class="sc-43986a27-7 #04#
        #FIND#=<span class="#04#
        #TAKEWORD#=#09#,#04#,#05#  //Year(s)
        #FIND#=<span class="sc-43986a27-3#04#
        #TAKEWORD#=#10#,#04#,#05#  //(Mini-)Series
        #STRING#=#07#=#07# (#08#) #09
        #WRITETITLELIST#=    ---> #07# §#08#
    #WHILE# #00#<>#10#
    #IF# #17#==#00#
	// No titles were found        
	#WRITETITLELIST#= ~~~~~~~~   The script couldn't find any titles matching that name.   ~~~~~~~~
	#WRITETITLELIST#= If you know an alternative name for this movie then you could try to enter it
	#WRITETITLELIST#= again and after make import again                            
	#WRITETITLELIST#= If it still doesn't find anything then try to go to this page and search for it manually:
	#WRITETITLELIST#= If you could find it manually then please post a bugreport in this thread in the XMM forum:
#ENDCREATEMOVIELIST# Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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