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T O P I C    R E V I E W
red Posted - 16 Feb 2024 : 10:23:55
Hi, I was looking for the link to download Extreme Movie Manager 9? where can I find it? thanks
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JDommi Posted - 23 Feb 2024 : 17:41:30
Yes, in the files menu -> database tools -> compact and repair
red Posted - 23 Feb 2024 : 11:50:31
tried everything but it no longer adds any covers for new films.

Is there a way to repair a database? or join 2?

finally I solved it by creating a new database which doesn't cause any problems. Except now I have to check the old before inserting a new film into the new to avoid duplication
JDommi Posted - 19 Feb 2024 : 19:13:47
I really don't know. I would try to "compact and repair" the database to be sure that there is no problem with the database file itself. also I would try to copy the whole database to another location and/or name. Then I would try to remove the latest "working" movie and readd it.
Unfortunately I don't know how to debug the process of the copying.
red Posted - 19 Feb 2024 : 10:31:49
Tried everything even starting as administrator

only solution if I create a new database everything works normally

I would like to continue using ONLY the old database. Is there any way to solve this problem?
JDommi Posted - 17 Feb 2024 : 22:34:30
Also tried it with starting XMM with admin rights?

I would try to do the copying manually just to see if there is an error, too.
red Posted - 17 Feb 2024 : 19:46:57
A thousand thanks

for my problem I checked IrfanView but the problem remains.

The image is on the desktop but when I try to insert it into xmm I get ERROR DETECED ON COPY FILE

JDommi Posted - 17 Feb 2024 : 15:18:11
I think there must be a an error on the site. Anyway I was able to download the release:

To your problem:
Try changing the "use of irfanview" in the options.
But the error you describe seems more related to the path or the rights to a path.
Please check if the downloaded pic is existing in the initial path on your desktop.
As second I would try to start XMM with admin rights (keep in mind that you have to authenticate the program again for this mode).
red Posted - 17 Feb 2024 : 11:55:28
Thank you
The link takes me to HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found

I have a problem with the version 9 I had. I insert the title but it does not make me insert the covers. I always come out error any image puts.

The only solution would be to create a new database. But I would like to solve the problem and continue to have only one database. Do you have suggestions?

message error:

Selected File : C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\11 13-3-23.png
Loading Image to Control : C:\Users\Utente\Desktop\Nuova cartella\eXtreme Movie Manager 9\tempdir\images\11 13-3-2320240217124543689.jpg
Saving Image to Disk...
Chosen Title: 9576-
Covers Directory: G:\eXtreme Movie Manager\Databases\FILM XXX_cover\
Name Converted: 9576-.jpg
Cover Type: 1
JDommi Posted - 17 Feb 2024 : 00:24:10 Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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