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 Greek characters not supported?

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hehe Posted - 27 Nov 2012 : 22:55:52

I have version and i see that the html card movie big cover limited cannot -in some cases only- display greek characters in the original title field. Is there a way to solve this?

Thanks in advance
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 02 Dec 2012 : 07:46:45

We need to ask to Prinz... its the expert in this kind of problems

Prinz Posted - 01 Dec 2012 : 17:42:18
Cards can have mixed languages, so to specify just 1 Language will always course problems.

And why make things more complicated in XMM, instead of fixing the problem itself? (missing Unicode Support)
JDommi Posted - 01 Dec 2012 : 17:23:55
What about passing as example
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

to the <head>-section of the card? Replacing with _XMM_LANGUAGE_ as set in the program itself?
Prinz Posted - 01 Dec 2012 : 13:41:26
That is exactly what I sad, the auto detection of the IE (XMM uses IE as Renderer) is not reliable, because is guessing the correct codepage. Of Course you can select the correct codepage in the native menu manually.

As long as XMM doesn't support Unicode nothing can be done.
hehe Posted - 01 Dec 2012 : 09:53:25
Alessio what is your opinion? Would it be possible to implement that setting in XMM?
JDommi Posted - 01 Dec 2012 : 09:51:27
Unless there is no command in the card to set the char-set to a special coding the settings of your browser are used.
Maybe XMM should add a variable to the cards that sets the coding depending on the used script or depending on the interface language of XMM. But if that will work... I don't know.
hehe Posted - 01 Dec 2012 : 09:13:00
I found a solution!

First of all, i enabled the show native html context menu in the html card tab. Only then was i able to see that the problem has to do with the encoding of the webpage of the movie and not XMM! The webpage encoding was set to auto and from there to western europe. When i changed it to manual and selected greek the problem was solved.
But the same problem (auto-encoding, western) does not happen with most of the other movies' webpages. Why is that i wonder..
Alessio Viti Posted - 01 Dec 2012 : 07:22:48
Sorry guys, the problem is that XMM SHOULD support unicode, I cannot find a reason why doesn't work...
hehe Posted - 28 Nov 2012 : 19:54:02
I see, still thank you all for your responses..
Prinz Posted - 28 Nov 2012 : 12:35:37
The old problem: XMM doesn't support Unicode...

So on html cards IE codepage auto detection is used, that can work sometimes and sometimes it doesn't work depending on the "webpage". Different cards are also different webpages because the layout and content isn't the same.

Nothing that anybody can do about it, only Ale can add Unicode support in XMM.
JDommi Posted - 28 Nov 2012 : 11:38:28
Sorry, but I don't find the reason. Maybe it's the jquery (1.72) used in the card.
Please check if there is existing a greek version for it.
hehe Posted - 28 Nov 2012 : 10:31:56
JDommi Posted - 28 Nov 2012 : 09:42:22
Would you please make 2 screenshots, one of the Mumra and one of the MovieBigCover to see the differences?
I think it will be easier to identify...
hehe Posted - 28 Nov 2012 : 06:16:48
Well, most movies with greek "original title" are displayed correctly in the html card. I use the "movie big cover limited" card for that. Problem is that in a few only cases, the "original title" displays the greek name with chinese characters, as if it cannot recognize the coding. The names that are displayed so have no special characters whatsoever.
The problem does not appear when i use Mumra default html card though.
JDommi Posted - 28 Nov 2012 : 00:02:27
Well, what do you mean with "in some cases"? Are that special fields or only in the original title? What script do you use?
Do other fields show these chars or are these only a few chars? Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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