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 What about XMM for Android?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sony Posted - 07 Jul 2010 : 17:43:54
Is there a chance for an android-version of xmm?
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
masterchiun Posted - 27 Jan 2017 : 15:52:52
I have been using DVDshelf on my Android phones for some time now. It imports an EMM exported text file very nicely.
nehickel Posted - 08 Oct 2011 : 07:32:32
I have just jumped into the Android Market with both feet and Purchased the ASUS TF-101 Transformer.It's the Eee Pad that has an attachable keyboard that doubles the battery life, adds 2 USB 2.0 ports and a few other nice things. You can now hook up your multi-terabyte external hard drive, mouse or other USB devices. I maxed out the memory at 32GB on the pad, another 32GB on the keyboard and the Eee Pad also was ordered with 32b of memory, which gives me 96GB of memory. Regardless of the hype, there is always at least on draw back. For me it was the keyboard's finger pointer and mouse buttons. For those of us who've already had Carpel Tunnel, the touch pad is like a hot iron in coal just sitting and waiting to burn you. And the was Asus has theirs set up, getting burned is a minute by minute experience. You'll find yourself type in place you somehow jumped in to frequently. I ended up places a hard plastic cover over the touch pad with 1/8" raisers at each corner. I have found that I seldom use it in the Pad only configuration and more.
It has some hiccup's that should have been resolved long ago but there are 3rd party workarounds such as SSL pop/smtp email

Now that I'm here though, I can easily see the other side of the and Android is going to be the Micro$oft to Apple's pad base.

Andre Posted - 03 Aug 2011 : 22:32:07
It's great to see that other user also like to import a custom field to Movies for

Have you news about that?
Sony Posted - 13 Jun 2011 : 22:39:27
First custom field would be great. It's all the same where you put it ( I think we talk about the position in movies, do we?). I think it would be good to have at least one field in xmm and(!) movies (for android) that contains user-defined information.

Alessio Viti Posted - 13 Jun 2011 : 20:44:40
Hello and sorry for my delay.

What Custom field do you prefer? and wher should I put it?

Thank you,

Sony Posted - 13 Jun 2011 : 15:01:01
@ Alessio

Hi Alessio,

is it possible to add at least the first custom-field to the xmm to android (iphone) export-script? So one would have more flexibility to export "custom-data".

Pewee Posted - 03 Jun 2011 : 18:52:02
Hi follks,
nice to see that there is a movement in getting XMM to android phone/tablets.
At least I was able to import all my Movies (717) to my android tablet via the
I could see from the beginning the title, year. directors and actor names, media and plot.
I am not able to see country and genres.
I only cann see some of may pictures (maybe restriction of picture size ?)
I judge it as a beginning and hope the app will be continously updtaed and developed to acchieve one of the best data base for android system as XMM is aleady for PCs.
Thanks to all who enabled this nice feature.

JDommi Posted - 31 May 2011 : 22:45:44
Oops! Sorry!
That I don't know.
erwinruff Posted - 31 May 2011 : 22:34:37
sorry JDommi

i meant "There is no trial version of movies for Android on the Android market..."

xmm is a great tool, and there is also a demo version. i testet it before i bought it. but there is no way for this handy app?
JDommi Posted - 31 May 2011 : 19:53:07
Just loasd the normal version from here:
Until the copy isn't registered you only have the disadvantage of importing only up to 50 (?) movies.
erwinruff Posted - 31 May 2011 : 15:41:37
There is no trial version of movies in the market...
So there is no way to test this app before buying.
i just want to test. maybe Alessio you may ask the owner of this app to make a trail version.
There are only a full of downloads ( )
maybe thats why only a few wants this app.

Just a suggestion.
Sony Posted - 26 May 2011 : 18:18:09
Hi Alessio,

would it be possible to add a custom field to the iPhone export for android (e.g. custom field 1)? So there would be one field, one can use for own information.

For example:
I use the Catalog No. to differentiate between several dvd-boxes. But there I need one field to know where the dvd is in the box (but there could be one movie on more than one dvd, so the id field isn't useful).

On my phone ("movies"-app) I want to know, for every movie in which box (Catalog No.) and which movie number (custom field 1) it is:

CatalogNo. , custom field 1 , movieID

box 1, movie 1, id 1;
box 1, movie 2 (2 dvds) id 2 and 3;
box 1, movie 3, id 4

I use the movie id only to count the movies but it's not to indicate at which place it is in box 1 or 2 or ......therefor I use a custom field (custom field 1).

In movies-app there is only the "location"-field and xmm iPhone export puts the CatalogNo to the location field (so I only know, movie xy is in box 1 or 2 or... but not where in the box).

Alessio Viti Posted - 24 May 2011 : 20:14:28
Really thank you very much!!

Now that I know that works I will write an email to all users about that.

Sony Posted - 24 May 2011 : 19:34:35
Hi Alessio,

just made a little bit of "promotion" for the combination "xmm and movies" in the netwalk forum and on android market (as a rating for movies, hope it is good for xmm, too).

Alessio Viti Posted - 24 May 2011 : 05:08:55

Thank you for your patience, and thank to netwalk that fix the problem so quickly.

Sony Posted - 23 May 2011 : 22:01:48
Hello Alessio,

just got your mails and tried to import. It works perfect. All movies I exported from emm using the iPhone-export were imported! Great! Now it's a "must have app"! Thank you and thanks to netwalk for solving the problem in only a few days.

After I've waited a long time for an app like this (an nothing happened) I was about to buy collectorz (only to have an app) but I like emm much more. So I decided to wait.............and in the end, all is well.

I still have a few ideas for improvements and a few questions....the next days :-)

Sony Posted - 19 May 2011 : 20:09:40
Am I the only one, "fighting" with this little app? Is there anybody else who already imported an emm-database successfully to movies on android?

Sony Posted - 19 May 2011 : 19:55:10
Hi Alessio,

send two example-files to

Alessio Viti Posted - 18 May 2011 : 20:37:47
Yes, please send to be both, I will send to Netwalk...
Sony Posted - 18 May 2011 : 20:12:33
Which file?
The 11 MB-file I get from the iPhone-export script?

the 25 MB-file I get from netwalkapps convert-tool, when I convert a txt-file only with titles in it?
In the last case, is it possible to send my exported txt-file (~ 1,5 MB) so that netwalk can use their own convert-tool?

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