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 movie_bigcover update

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
deafvader Posted - 31 Jul 2010 : 00:48:36
Here is some new updates to movie_bigcover moviecards.

movie_bigcover is now movie_bigcover(blue).htm so you can delete the other one when you extract.

will send files to Alessio shortly, we just had an update so thought i
would put them here as well.

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JDommi Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 22:28:44
Oh, that's what you mean!
You can configure the QuickEdit appearance by clicking with the right mouse button on a free part of the window to customize.
zukkara Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 22:20:08
Excuse me, I got a bit confuesd. And I guess it is not even a movie card issue. On the card as JDommi writes the plot is the first tab and the card will show the first valid information.
Often I change in quick edit mode to edit the information. And in the quick edit view one sees first the viewer comments and after that the plot. Which irritated me.
JDommi Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 15:28:51
Technically there are no problems to change the positions. There have only a few lines of the card to be moved...
KCWhiteKnight Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 14:46:22
I think what he is saying is could they be swapped for presentation purposes have synopsis first then plot.
JDommi Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 11:59:35
I'M not sure if I have really understand you. The plot is the first tab on the card (Plot, Synopsis, etc.) and the first tab with valid info is shown. So I don't understand your question...
zukkara Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 11:38:22
is there a reason why on the movie_bigcover the imdb script shows the viewer comments before the official plot description?
I would think that the "neutral" plot description, as the more general information should be shown first, and then the viewer comments. Or is it technicaly not possible?
JDommi Posted - 06 Dec 2010 : 14:36:46
You're really fast, Prinz :)
Prinz Posted - 06 Dec 2010 : 14:34:38
- reduced the space between plot and weblink
- added new Studio pics and one genre pic (Thx to JDommi)
JDommi Posted - 06 Dec 2010 : 12:50:41
A wish for an improvement:
The part between plot and weblink (features, comments, review, awards, ...) is too high if there is no info available.
Sometimes there is space of about 250px!
For your information: I use the movie_bigcover-simplified.htm
Prinz Posted - 05 Dec 2010 : 17:41:17
- removed charset definition from html files
Prinz Posted - 04 Dec 2010 : 12:55:52
- changed the American mpaa pics to consistent height of 25px
JDommi Posted - 04 Dec 2010 : 00:16:01
Bingo :)
Prinz Posted - 03 Dec 2010 : 23:58:55
Originally posted by JDommi

Well, on some old imports I have "ab 16 Jahren".

Should work now.
JDommi Posted - 03 Dec 2010 : 23:41:25
Well, on some old imports I have "ab 16 Jahren". These entries are not added with the pics.
Otherwise really great :)
JDommi Posted - 03 Dec 2010 : 23:28:16
Thank YOU for the quick implementation!
Prinz Posted - 03 Dec 2010 : 21:15:20
- Added american and german MPAA pics (Thx to JDommi for the pics)
JDommi Posted - 03 Dec 2010 : 18:05:35
Prinz, would be nice if you would implement pics for the mpaa.
I have the PNG's for german and american ratings packed in FSK.rar on my site.
Prinz Posted - 23 Nov 2010 : 16:37:46
- Actors Card (Movies in Database) and Boxset Card (Movies in BoxSet) now scale Covers proportional
Prinz Posted - 20 Nov 2010 : 13:29:44
- Update to jquery 1.4.4 (Many Bugfixes)
the old MovieCards\jquery\jquery-1.4.3.min.js can be deleted

- A few visual "Bugfixes" for all Cards.
Teutif Posted - 18 Nov 2010 : 13:38:25
Ok I ll check that out this evening.
Sorry i though that i've found something useful

Originally posted by Prinz

Originally posted by Teutif
The size on the html card depends on the cover size. So if your cover is big, you wont see anything else unless you scroll a lot.

No it doesn't. It is proportional resized to a maximum size of 187x279 via CSS and javascript. If it isn't resized, something goes wrong on your PC or Installation.

You are right, i don't know why but my installation on the second pc isn't the same. In my home I don't have the problem and all cover are the same! Sorry for the inconvenience
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