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 Batch file path change ? (similar to Anzac)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ttrenchj Posted - 11 Apr 2017 : 02:44:45
Hi. Similar to Anzac's "Batch drive letter change?" dated 28SEP16 under "Information", what are the steps to change a specific file path across multiple database files (example: change \My_Book\TV to \<upper folder name>\<sub-folder name>?

I've tried and/or looked the following with no success:

1. Main>Files>Database Function>Compact and Repair Database (decided not to try)
2. Tools>File Manager>Files Functions>Copy Files to Another Folders ( didn't execute anything)
3. Tools>File Manager>Fields Functions>Replace a word on Files ( didn't execute anything)
4. Tools>Fields Manager> (... None of these appear to do anything relative to my problem)
5. With respect to your response to Anzac,

"Just add all drives to the device scanner and activate the automatic scan function. For me I additionally have set the option to automatically correct the folder pathes. On the next start of XMM (maybe at a manual start of the device scanner) all pathes will be corrected. Kepp in mind that that it can take a while depending on your amount of movie files."

Whenever I have used the device scanner function and even when I have tried using automatically correct the folder paths, it has never added or changed the content of a records (Add/Edit TV (Movie) Show "Files" tab...I have always had to do this manually.

Hoping you might have some very simple steps to correcting this file path issue (FileBot doesn't do this).

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JDommi Posted - 26 Dec 2017 : 07:43:04
Thanks and for you, too!

Have a look here, please:
Maybe it could be interesting for you...
Anzac Posted - 26 Dec 2017 : 02:54:31
Hi Dev Team,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! ! !

Thankyou Binaryworks for eXtreme Movie,Music,Games,Books Manager

It seems there are work arounds for mass path changing, but to be honest its a pain in the @#%@*. I'm sure, us two fella's aren't the first nor will we be the last. Like many others I have bought all 4 managers and will undoubtedly at some point be faced with this issue again

I'm wondering if the Dev Team would please consider adding the ability for us to be able to batch change path for selected entries in the near future ...... New year 2018 maybe Plz and thnkU

Thankyou Binaryworks

JDommi Posted - 16 Apr 2017 : 22:53:26
You're welcome!
ttrenchj Posted - 16 Apr 2017 : 20:14:42
Success! Here are the steps I used to create a new database and move all applicable files to a new drive:

1. I copied all Movies and TV files from my existing drive/folders to my new drive/folders location.

2. To just change the drive/folders location data using the primary database ["example.mdb" in the ‘c:\Users\hp\Documents\eXtreme Movie Manager 8\Databases’ location]
a) Open the "example.mdb" file in Microsoft Access
b) Double click on the ‘EpisodeFilesLinks’ and ‘MovieFilesLinks’ tables to open each
c) Use the ‘Home>Find>Replace’ function on the ‘Data’ field column and then on the ‘Description’ field column on each table to adjust the paths to the new drive/folder.

3. To just change the drive/folders location data as well as creating a new database:
a) Copy the "example.mdb" in the ‘c:\Users\hp\Documents\eXtreme Movie Manager 8\Databases’ location and paste into the same location (this will create the file “example-Copy.mdb”)
b) Rename the “example-Copy.mdb” file (let’s say “xiretsa.mdb”)
c) Open the “xiretsa.mdb” in Microsoft Access
i. Double click on the ‘EpisodeFilesLinks’ and ‘MovieFilesLinks’ tables to open each
ii. Use the ‘Home>Find>Replace’ function on the ‘Data’ field column and then on the ‘Description’ field column on each table to adjust the paths to the new drive/folder.
d) Copy folders from and into the ‘c:\Users\hp\Documents\eXtreme Movie Manager 8\Databases’ location:
i. “example_androiddevice”
ii. “example_cover”
iii. “example_download”
iv. “example_mediacenterdir”
v. “example_photos”
vi. “example_thumbs”
e) Rename each of the “example-Copy_” folders to match the file name of the new database (as an example: “xiretsa_androiddevice”)

I hope this helps others who want to migrate theirs.

Again, JDommi, thank you for your advice and help!
ttrenchj Posted - 14 Apr 2017 : 04:05:29
Thank you JDommi. Seems the best and easiest approach is using Access 'Replace' function for the EpisodeFilesLinks and MovieFilesLinks tables Data and Description fields contents.

I'll let you know results when transition completed, so I will keep this open until success.

Again, thank you for your time.
JDommi Posted - 11 Apr 2017 : 10:20:37
At first across multiple database files this will not function. Only for the actual opened database!
Auto Update Moved Files (Do not prompt it) means that the path of moved files will automatically be changed to the new path name as long as the file name does not change. When unticked the DeviceScanner will prompt you to correct them on the next run.
I have used that multiple times on my movie folders without any problems. For TV Shows I never have tried.
When you "only" have renamed the folder from a.e. \My_Book\ to \MY_BOOK\ that may do not work as checking a file path under windows is always case insensitive!
In that case you have to do the process twice: rename the folder to a different name -> let the DeviceScanner correct the paths -> rename to the wanted folder syntax -> let the DeviceScanner correct them once again.
Another possibility would be to open the database directly in Access and do a manually replacement on the whole column. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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