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 DefaultHTMLcard(FanArt xxx) questions?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
troyt48 Posted - 16 Nov 2011 : 01:51:39

I am still new to EMM so pardon me if this is right in front of my face, and just can't see it. :)

I like the format of the default card better than others. A couple of things I have noticed though:

1 - I am partial to the "darkside skin" for my XMM. When I select this theme, it seems my HTML page remains blue no matter what theme i chose. Is there a way to make it change along with the XMM theme settings?

2- Awards.... I noticed this on HTML cards, but as much as want each every award staring me right in the face, is there way to minimize it like the rest of the categories? so that the defaul setting doesn't require me to scroll all the way down to get to the other section of the page? I would like it to have the option like "cast" "crew" "seasons" ect... to where it is NOT expanded when the movie is selected.

Thank you for your time, like i said, I have just had this program for a very short period of time, but boy.. it is growing on my quick. I like it!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
washandgo Posted - 25 Jan 2012 : 22:29:57
bravissimo .... I have not to go to the ophthalmologist, thank you very much for the help.

google translation
Alessio Viti Posted - 24 Jan 2012 : 11:52:28
There is now also the option to not show the Awards, just right-click on the HTML Card...
JDommi Posted - 24 Jan 2012 : 07:26:35
The movie_bigcover has that function!
It's under Side Options on top of the card. There you can change a lot of things how the card should look like. The font is one of these!
washandgo Posted - 23 Jan 2012 : 22:33:47
Good afternoon.
I have noticed a slight change in the DefaultHTMLCard_whit_Fanart.htm and can not extend the letter, the former had three options, small, normal and large text, it would be possible to place the same in the present?
I sincerely appreciate the efforts you are making with this catalog and often I feel helpless not being able to lend a hand in the changes, I just have to ask .... so I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you.

google translator
troyt48 Posted - 19 Nov 2011 : 17:41:17
I have tried the moviebigcover, but still like the default one with the fanart at the top. I have stopped importing the the awards section, and the format is much better now. Is there anyone out there willing to take on the challenge of maybe making a dark skin for the defaultcover.

Also, it seems like if i have more than one fanart, and it is scrolling through... it messes up the format as well. The movie cover gets shoved under the fanart.. it looks aweful, but if i just have 1 fanart, it looks fantastic!! I absolutely love this database.. much better than collectorz.

thank you for all your hard work.
JDommi Posted - 16 Nov 2011 : 10:03:40
Unfortunately the defaultcard was not developed further since a very long time. Me also liked the allocation of each info more than the moviebigcover but that last one is the technically best and has the most possibilities and shows more info. It's the only card that is color adjustable, too.
To the awards: It should be easy to make it expandable/collapsing by a click. Maybe it's possible to save the setting for. But that's a job for Prinz as he is the "programmer" of the card and is THE ONE who has the overview of all card functions. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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