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 eXtreme Movie Manager running on IntelMac

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alessio Viti Posted - 18 Dec 2006 : 15:26:21
Hi Guys,

A user wrote me that is quite easy run XMM on IntelMac. What you have to do is install Windows XP SP2.

Directly from this user:

"Bootcamp. This beta program changes the internal HD of the iMac so that one can install Windows. Only Windows XP SP2 will work. It has to be an original one, not a rip-off. It is possible to start from a Windows XP Prof and slipstream it to SP2. If all works it is easy to install all kind of programs.
The nice thing is that the machine is very fast (2 x 2.32 Ghz). Boot up time is 22 seconds!!! I have attached a photo proving that XMM is
running on a basic (the cheapest) Intel iMac. It even can run on an
Intel Mac Mini, which costs about 500 euro's!"

He also provide a picture of XMM:


8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mazen97 Posted - 08 Jun 2016 : 10:20:25
Originally posted by Alessio Viti


Thank you for this info. Can you make a picture of your Mac with XMM? I whould put it on the website.

Thank you,


I will take a snapshot and send it to your email if you provide it to me. my email is
mazen97 Posted - 08 Jun 2016 : 10:18:00
Parallels is a software that allows you to install windows as a virtual machine and use windows application on your MAC in a coherent mode and they will look like working on MAC OSX instead of windows.

I do run xMM on Parallels as well as MS Office 2016 (Windows version)
luksta Posted - 12 Feb 2012 : 10:04:34
but the question was WITHOUT WINDOWS.
Is anybody here who sole this case?
Alessio Viti Posted - 19 Sep 2010 : 15:28:43

Thank you for this info. Can you make a picture of your Mac with XMM? I whould put it on the website.

Thank you,

n/a Posted - 19 Sep 2010 : 01:33:41
Just downloaded the latest version and it runs fine for my on my imac using Parallels. Go to
All of my windows software run fine with Parallels on imac running Windows 7
henrinaiara Posted - 01 Jan 2010 : 15:57:45
another great work... for mac users like me.. thanks dude..
Johndoe Posted - 04 Oct 2008 : 18:36:59
I had to get a mac for my school now, but I really dont want to waste all that space installing windows on it. So, does anyone know if theres any other way to run eMM on a mac, without installing windows?
cool4cools Posted - 18 Dec 2006 : 15:35:21
Nice option
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