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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JDommi Posted - 27 Feb 2011 : 16:54:06
When will it be possible to select it's own card for every card group?
It really is a pain in the eye if you use as example the big_movie_bigcover with big font sizing and have the small fonts on the episodes and actors cards. Or quite even more killing: a movie card with black background and the movie_bigcover with it's white background.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kirill2785 Posted - 08 Oct 2011 : 00:41:51
Total Movies counter in the Statistics adds the number of movies and TV shows. is this right? i mean why should we count TV shows as Movies? and not as TV shows? (like in mini statistics).
kirill2785 Posted - 08 Oct 2011 : 00:25:40
Some problems i see in the html card, spicificaly in the statistics: the dashboard size is too big, it doesn't fit my screen (i use 1760x768 resolution, which is not that small), so is the chart near it (under the Total movies counter).i think the dash board should resize it self depending on the resolution. i tried moving the toolbar named "Custom 4" (Field, Chart Type, Show Dashboard) to left or right so it would be vertical instead of horisontal and wouldn't take space, so the dashboard and the chart would be lifted up a bit BUT this didn't help. because when it became vertical it left its space empty, the dashboard stayed where it was. i also tried removing it by right clicking on it and unckeking the V near it: it disapeared without clearing it's space.
JDommi Posted - 28 Aug 2011 : 22:05:03
That's a good idea. It's already a feature request to have more picture categories than only the existing 3...
xbmcfan Posted - 28 Aug 2011 : 21:44:55
Is is possible to remove or replace the media cover image with the movie poster image in the default movie card or any movie card really. The images for covers of boxes and media are unattractive and somewhat pointless. It would be much cleaner looking with movie posters that have a greater range of images to choose from and usually come in standard movie poster dimensions. I am new to this application but if anyone has any tips for modifying this it would be appreciated.
JDommi Posted - 02 May 2011 : 19:33:43
Sorry, late but a reply...
That's only a matter of the translations and of course of the "original" variable _TMOVIE_STUDIO_
kirill2785 Posted - 21 Apr 2011 : 15:03:46
In the HTML card i think it should be "Production Company" instead of "studio". (a studio can be a production company and distibutor.)
thats also the way write:
Production Companies
JDommi Posted - 16 Apr 2011 : 20:33:03
I have had just a look at it...
Maybe I have copied some files wrong but a few pics and the top bar are not correctly positioned or at the totally wrong place.
The additional tab for AKA and Release: I would prefer the current way to only show the "home" info...
JDommi Posted - 13 Apr 2011 : 18:08:42
At first thx for the card!
I will have a look the next days... at the moment I'm too busy
tonycole Posted - 13 Apr 2011 : 17:28:06
Hi JDommi

I don't know how black you want the card. Here is a modified card
i use, it's got most of the current changes with some tweaks of my own.
It use's a cut down awards js and a uk based mpaa js (i use the little cert's from imdb for personal use so have not included just in-case of copyright), so you'll need to change the code back to Prinz's.

It also uses a different css, all backgrounds can be changed via that
css. It's a work in progress so forgive the bugs.

Here is the link:

The white filmbg can be changed to black as well but most of the text color will need changing, which could be done with another css in the list.


ps all the other colors are still working but i haven't changed cover size, i also forgot to add the oodomimagerollover.js but it should be in moviecards/movie_bigcover folder.
Michael Clarke Posted - 05 Apr 2011 : 01:18:33
Since the update that has include the awards pictures (this is a great feature by the way)we have lost the ability to see all movies directed by a director. Some films have more than 1 director and this also means the link on the movie card does not separate and directors cannot be viewed.
I have noticed that the directors and writers of a film are included in the actors table.
Would it be possible to start to build directors into the directors table (this is present but unpopulated)then link this up so that it works in the same way as the actors
Just a thought, as I used to click the directors and check out all films done by that person in my database. This is now not possible from the main card.
The lightbox feature seems to be working great, I tried to get this working before but the work done recently has far surpassed my efforts and is very good Thanks for all the hard work by all involved. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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