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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tonycole Posted - 07 Mar 2012 : 23:53:49
Yes i noticed it on your card, but couldn't work out why only part
of it worked until now.

As long as the named images match the file codec details then a lot of it gets put on the card. The problematic bit seems to be resolution which you have to put in your own info. And users might need to tweak some of the names or have pictures to cover possible name.

Maybe something like the awards list or genre list might work.
I'll take a look at the code over weekend.

Looks like you got your pictures the same place i did.

Out of interest where is the info for the list that appears on media field just i think it needs updating. A lot of my files now are H264 MKV,MP4 and Bluray might worth adding.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tonycole Posted - 13 Mar 2012 : 23:09:46
They look fine. Do you want me too try and do some with the film slate template or i can customize
the folder icon template. Also do want my mediainfo.dll from klite code pack to test.
Prinz Posted - 09 Mar 2012 : 22:55:30
I made a few icons...

The icons aren't pretty but should work. But there is still the problem with the missing/incomplete Mediainfo...
Prinz Posted - 09 Mar 2012 : 10:08:38
The problem is that the card is included (as the default card) in a commercial program: XMM. Therefor I don't think that personal use applies in that case...
tonycole Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 23:21:15
Does that apply for the genre slates as well because i think there from the same source. I would have thought if they have
come a public skin they would be free to use for personal use. Maybe this site my help

The slate pack comes with a template to make new ones, maybe that can work as a background or here is a folder template
that can altered a bit.

I'll see what else i can find.
Prinz Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 22:49:25
The update has to be done by Ale, because the missing information has to be parsed and added to the Database by XMM itself. For some infos there aren't even database fields at the moment...

Maybe I add a simply function to at least show the incomplete info. But I have to make a few ugly licenses free icons first. I can't use the ones on the screenshot because of licenses issues.
tonycole Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 22:41:27
I see your point so a lot work to do still. I don't mind adding data it can't find for now. Will something like the Genre.js work or would that
be too many variables to cover.

Also can updated mediainfo.dll from the latest K Lite Codec pack work (I use K Lite Mega on my system). Or does XMM have it's
own version.

Sorry to bombard you with all these questions.
Prinz Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 10:57:40
Originally posted by tonycole

Yes i noticed it on your card, but couldn't work out why only part
of it worked until now.

I simply forgot to remove some variables on the html card after I decided not to add the mediainfo. I will remove the variables because there is a better way to get the info and the mediainfo that XMM provides is still incomplete.

Now to the missing/incomplete media info:

biggest Problem Audio:

1. only the channel number is read by XMM, not distinguishing between Normal and LFE Channels (there are also formats that have more than 1 LFE Channel: 7.2 for example)

- 6 Channels can mean: 6.0 or 5.1
- 7 Channels can mean: 6.1 or 7.0

So reading the Channel positions field and paring it in XMM is missing.

2. the format Info itself is incomplete
DTS-HD MA is only shown as DTS-HD, because the Format Profile Field is not read.

3. Many files (especially DVD and Blu-ray, but also mkv's) have multiple Audio Tracks. That info is not present at all in XMM at the moment.
In that case reading the Language Field and Title Field (for commentary track, ...) is important.

Video Info is also not complete:

XMM reads only the Codec ID and ignores the Format and Format Profile info. Also the Scan Type (progressive/interleaved) is missing.

For Episodes missing: The Frame rate is also be a important missing Field (only as a variable missing)

To read all that info XMM also needs to update the mediainfo.dll to the current version. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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