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 How to set Default Chain

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sarah1975 Posted - 13 Nov 2019 : 16:00:32
I created my first chain of movie scripts. But when I went to add a movie I see you can choose "default chain" to run it upon versus an individual script.

However... nowhere in the "Options" panel or in the Chains Manager screen is there a place to set a default chain... and it gives you like 3 defaults which is cool but if we can't set the defaults then we can't use this nifty option.

So what is the point in creating a chain if I can't use it as my default import option for movies?

Confused yet curious,

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sarah1975 Posted - 14 Nov 2019 : 22:36:33
Thanks! I went ahead and placed that in the Suggestions/New Features section.
JDommi Posted - 14 Nov 2019 : 22:03:44
You have to select the chain manually.
Unfortunately it's not handled like the default script.
sarah1975 Posted - 14 Nov 2019 : 20:00:20
I was asking how to set which chain is the default chain. I don't see where there is an option in the interface. I see I can have it run the chain vs individual script but no way to change which chain is used as the default chain.
JDommi Posted - 13 Nov 2019 : 23:51:42
1. Select a movie
2. right click on it and choose the default chain no.1
3. click on the little arrow on the right of that chain and select to create the chain

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