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 IMDB Complete does not import all information!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Luis USA Posted - 08 Feb 2013 : 14:41:26
Hi, just to let you know that the last IMDB (Complete) update does not import certain thgings now like: taglines, comments, official web link, mpaa, goofs, trivia, release dates and aka titles.

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fege Posted - 24 Dec 2013 : 21:12:36
Originally posted by gsimjansen

Since about 2 weeks IMDB Complete does no longer import covers. All I get is a black square. Could someone please fix this?

You can use part of the script from v8, and use it in version 7.

Here is part of the script from v8

#IF# #76#==#00#
#IF# #15#==#00#

#IF# #12#<>#00#

#FIND#="#12# #ONERROR#=*OK*
#FINDLINE#=<img id="primary-img"#12##ONERROR#=*OK*
#IF# #12#==#00#
#FINDLINE#= src="#11# #ONERROR#=*OK*
#FIND#="#11# #ONERROR#=*OK*
#FIND#="#12# #ONERROR#=*OK*


Put it script for version 7 and try it.

JDommi Posted - 23 Dec 2013 : 09:40:26
Yes, or you have to look at the scriprs section if someone inofficially updates the release 7 scripts.
gsimjansen Posted - 22 Dec 2013 : 21:23:59
Originally posted by JDommi

Thanks. I suppose this means that I have to upgrade to version 8.
JDommi Posted - 22 Dec 2013 : 20:20:54
gsimjansen Posted - 22 Dec 2013 : 19:02:16
Since about 2 weeks IMDB Complete does no longer import covers. All I get is a black square. Could someone please fix this?
fege Posted - 02 Oct 2013 : 20:20:19
I will try to fix my script.
HaraldBluetooth Posted - 02 Oct 2013 : 17:00:51
Hi fege, I still have problems with your script only importing part of the actors list.

It seems that the script only takes the actors on the first page, f.ex. (15 actors for this film)
instead of the full cast from (55 actors)

Until this is solved, a little workaround is first to run Fege's script without Cast (Starring) or delete Cast afterwards and then run the IMDB.COM (Fastest) script - Then you get the best from both worlds :O)
fege Posted - 18 Sep 2013 : 18:48:02

I tested my script with movie SkyFall.

Just to point out a few things:

1. IMDB script doesn't import Connections, and this is normal behavior of the script.
2. Solution for not importing Original title is to use Proxy.
3. I see that script doesn't import comments.
4. Problem with Goofs import is not easy, it will take some time.
spikeus Posted - 18 Sep 2013 : 16:30:40
Ok. Thanks. Hvala.
fege Posted - 18 Sep 2013 : 16:22:58
This script version should solve problem with Trivia:
I will try to fix other problems later today
spikeus Posted - 17 Sep 2013 : 22:18:19
Hi, I'm running XMM and my IMDB (Complete) script:

1. It won't import actors information. It download only name of one actor.
2. In the Trivia section there is 'Is this interesting? Interesting? YesNo' line on the end of every trivia.
3. It won't import Goofs
4. It won't import Connections.
5. It won't import Original title of the movie as it is. It imports translated title as is in my country.
fege Posted - 30 Jul 2013 : 07:26:50
Tried with movie Oblivion. It worked without problems.
In a list I choose Oblivion (I) 2013 and I had no problems.

I will look at TV shows script in a next few days.
Rincewindwiz Posted - 30 Jul 2013 : 00:13:25
Fege - Thanks (from all V7 users) this is really good stuff.

I just imported 6 movies. 4 worked fine but the other two . . . .
Trance (2013) gave me the correct list, I selected Trance 2013 and it then imported a talk show "Projector" trance (8 mins) The only way I could get it to work was delete the record; add the movie by hand and then do the import searching for the IMDB tt number

I had the same problem with Oblivion (2013). Interestingly they were the only movies in the list that had single word titles. Might be relevant?

Anyway, its not critical. Fixing TV shows would be nicer!!

Thanks again

PS Another 6 done and no problems at all. Guess the first coupl ewere 'just one of those things'
fege Posted - 25 Jul 2013 : 11:14:50
Fixed bug in Release Date.
Now script should collect right date

fege Posted - 21 Jul 2013 : 17:14:00
I edit manually EDITOR field without problems.

I noticed that some movies entered in 2008 have separated editors with "|" in EDITOR field.
JDommi Posted - 21 Jul 2013 : 14:43:43
Try to edit the names manually to test if the editor's field is possible to manage several editors.
Otherwise check the variable on #TAKEEDITOR# if there is a conversion error...

V7 has only the support for multiple directors.
fege Posted - 21 Jul 2013 : 13:53:26
I saw another bug.
For example: Mad Max 2.
There is 3 editors for this movie.

And script collect all 3:
Michael Balson David Stiven Tim Wellburn, without separations between names.
It should be like this:
Michael Balson| David Stiven| Tim Wellburn

I am puzzled, because similar code is used in STUDIO, WRITER and these are collected as expected.
fege Posted - 15 Jul 2013 : 14:33:03
Newest version of the script.

Fixed problem with Awards.
Fixed AKAs.
In CUSTOM9 you should see: AKAs, Release Dates and Certifications.

There is only 1 problem left: GOOFS.

Please report any bug.
fege Posted - 15 Jul 2013 : 01:49:33
New version of the script:

I fixed import of AKAs and Release Dates in Custom9.

Tomorrow I will try to fix Awards.

Good night to all and please test the script.
fege Posted - 14 Jul 2013 : 21:08:35
There is 3 problems with IMDB Complete scripts:

2. AKAs in Custom9
3. Release Dates in CUSTOM9

I think that I manage to fix problems with AKAs in Custom9.
Please test it, and send me a feedback.

Tomorrow I will try to fix Release dates for Custom9.

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