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 Suggestion on how to import from others managers..

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alessio Viti Posted - 09 Dec 2008 : 16:24:08
Hi to All,

With the new release you can import movie collection from other managers.

DVD Profiler

There are two ways:

1) Export the database of DVD Profile in XML, then import it inside XMM with the Import from XML function

2) Import the DVD Profiler database inside "All My Movies" manager, then import the database inside XMM with the appropriate function to import databases from "All my movies"

Collectorz Movie Collector

There are two ways like DVD Profiler:

1) Export the database in XML, then import it inside XMM with the Import from XML function. This function seem to work correctly without problems.

2) Import the DVD Profiler database inside "All My Movies" manager, then import the database inside XMM with the appropriate function to import databases from "All my movies"

Ant Movie Catalog

1) Export the database in XML, then import it inside XMM with the Import from XML function
(If import doesn't work probably there are wrong characters inside XML. Please write me an email, I will convert it)

My Movies 2

1) Export the database in XML, then import it inside XMM with the Import from XML function

All My Movies

1) Just use the import function, that will read directly the database of All My Movies (If you cannot open it, just rename to .MDB)

In every case, I suggest you to import the Movie Titles, than make a Mass Import from internet, to better download all information from your preferred website.

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Monk3y Posted - 03 Aug 2011 : 17:09:48
Hello I am new here. I currently use "MyMDB", but I would like to switch to XMM. Now I wanted to ask if it is possible to import my existing database into XMM? If this is not possible, is it possible to make this an update?

Thank you
Alessio Viti Posted - 13 Jul 2011 : 09:03:09

Just go in the Plugins -> iPhone/iPod/iPad export.

Here there is the function to import the XML that cames from Netwalks apps.

Walter1112 Posted - 13 Jul 2011 : 06:38:33

I currently use a database on my ipad and iphone called "Movies" and "Movies HD" created by Netwalkapps. I would like to start using XMM instead and would like to import my backup XML file, so I won't have to start over. I don't see specific import converter for my XML file and none of the current ones you have convert well. Can you help me?
Alessio Viti Posted - 30 Jun 2011 : 10:20:30

if you can zip and send to me your database I will try to import it to see where is the problem.

You can send to alessioviti -at-

Thank you,

mazen97 Posted - 30 Jun 2011 : 04:46:35

I downloaded and installed a trial of XMM and exported 100 titles from collectors and import them but only imported 63 and the rest are blank records.

I used Location in collectorz as the place I keep the movie in and once imported it is not showing in XMM and this is very important to me as I have more than 2000 titles in my collection.

Is there a place where I can see how the import works and customize it.

If it work I'll purchase XMM otherwise I'll stick with collectorz even I'm comfortable with XMM.

PS: I'm a developer and that's why I'm looking for script or where to customize the import from collectorz.
tdceus Posted - 29 Jun 2011 : 23:29:11
If I import from the "All My Movies" database (v6.4) the fields plot, synopsis or comments in eXtreme Movie Manager are not imported.

Is this a bug?

Thank you
fixit001 Posted - 03 Dec 2010 : 11:50:04
cool I look forward to it with trembling hands:)
Alessio Viti Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 16:29:56
Thank you, I have got the file, I will try to convert asap.

fixit001 Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 10:45:23
Here is xml code from mediaman hope a script is possible. Thanks!!
Alessio Viti Posted - 30 Nov 2010 : 04:00:11

Sorry for my late reply!

I don't know Mediaman, can you export in some format (like excel, xml, txt) your collection?

fixit001 Posted - 26 Nov 2010 : 16:33:31
I would like to know if you have made script to transfer from Mediaman yet?? I have Extreme movie Manager and am thinking of buying game manager however i dont want to spend the next month or two inserting it into a new catalog manager. mediaman is a pretty good manager or was at least now it is having a lot of problems and I am hoping you could help me out here and if so you have sold at least 1 copy of games manager:) well either way thanks!!!
n/a Posted - 18 Jun 2010 : 10:19:50


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2) Import the DVD Profiler database inside "All My Movies" manager, then import the database inside XMM with the appropriate function to import databases from "All my movies"

Collectorz Movie Collector

There are two ways like DVD Profiler:

1) Export the database in XML, then import it inside XMM with the Import from XML function. This function seem to work correctly without problems.

2) Import the DVD Profiler database inside "All My Movies" manager, then import the database inside XMM with the appropriate function to import databases from "All my movies"

Ant Movie Catalog

1) Export the database in XML, then import it inside XMM with the Import from XML function
(If import doesn't work probably there are wrong characters inside XML. Please write me an email, I will convert it)

My Movies 2

1) Export the database in XML, then import it inside XMM with the Import from XML function

All My Movies

1) Just use the import function, that will read directly the database of All My Movies (If you cannot open it, just rename to .MDB)

In every case, I suggest you to import the Movie Titles, than make a Mass Import from internet, to better download all information from your preferred website.

lorac Posted - 17 Mar 2010 : 00:23:49
Can XMM import from mymovies.xml?

I already have all my movies updated through Media Centre Master with an xml that contains all the movie info.

I looked for the 'import from xml' function, but couldn't find it.
henrinaiara Posted - 01 Jan 2010 : 15:59:40
kostos can you share your database to me. im kinda doing some research here.. thanks
Alessio Viti Posted - 19 Aug 2009 : 09:15:07

Can you ZIP and send the XML to me? I will try to see where is the error.

Kostos Posted - 19 Aug 2009 : 07:59:38
I'm trying to import data from Movie Collectorz. I've a big database and importing is very importing for me. I'm using XML tools (export to xml in Movie Collector and import in Extreme Movie manager). But unfortunately just several entries are imported correctly. Most of them cause an error. Most of the entries are in cyrilic. May be it is a reason?
Thank you.
Alessio Viti Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 12:40:40

I don't know mediaman, can export XML or excel files?

If yes, please zip it and send it to me for make some test of import.

walpurgis Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 11:59:31
Originally posted by Alessio Viti


At this time not, but I can make the change in the next release.


Hi Alessio, I would like to switch to Extreme Movie Manager.
Is there a way to import my collection from Mediaman or I have to pass it manually?
Another question, some catalog managers like Mediamen warn that if the electricity is cut off or the system crashes one may lose the collection. Is there a solution for this with Extreme Movie Manager?
Thanks in advance.
Franckie999 Posted - 02 Aug 2009 : 15:05:58
Could you see for an import from oxemis video library ? it uses vbk files ! thx and congratulations for your app
Odin Posted - 02 May 2009 : 16:12:14
->Now the Import from ANT Movie will load also pictures

awesome...thanks a lot :) Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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