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 XMM 10 quirks

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Rincewindwiz Posted - 12 Nov 2020 : 11:54:31
No forum for XMM10 so I presume its not going to be around long?

So maybe these are feature requests for XMM11

1.Where is the index on catalogue number? What is the point of a catalogue number field if you cant search/sort on it? (Yes I can add catalogue number to the main grid but then I have to scroll AND it takes up valuable screen real estate)

2. Why cant I lock the edit panel in place of the detail display panel - like the old quick Edit panel in XMM9? many of us are more interested in accessing the information and maintaining it than in having it look pretty (as in the details panel)
In the edit window you could go straight tab for the section you wanted. Now I have to scroll down and search

Also, useability, Right now I have to open the edit window, select a movie (which hides the edit window) then select the edit window before I can actually do anything

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JDommi Posted - 14 Nov 2020 : 10:26:13
The intention of Ale was: more user friendly handling. Unfortunately that was against all the pro-function that the "old" XMM-users have loved for years.
For me, I am using release 10 as there is one big advantage: I am able to use the plugin "DlWeb" inside the MagicScript Engine. With that I can download a few websites that original XMM can't read. Finally I would be able to even pass any kind of data to XMM from nearly every source. Unfortunately Ale never has completely finished all the needed parameters. But you already can use it.

#PUT#=DlWeb.exe#11# // The EXE to call
// The movie to search for
// Parameter: WEB, NEWWEB, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3, SLOT4, SLOT5
#EXECUTEFILEPARAMETER#=#13# // Pass Parameter
#EXECUTEFILEFROMPLUGINS#=#11# // The Initial path is the EXE Folder\Plugins


//This instruction opens a file from a fixed location, like c:\temp...
Rincewindwiz Posted - 14 Nov 2020 : 00:21:10
So Ive played with XMM10 for a while and can fin nothing it dos that XMM9 didnt do so I am curious as to the purpose of XMM10

Then I tried XMM11 which has even less functionality that XMM10. Again what is the purpose / benefit for the users of XMM11?
Would it not be better to concentrate on making a version work and fixing all the errors? Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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