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JDommi Posted - 27 Aug 2015 : 18:59:21
I need a little help on my Debugger plugin!

The newest version now works with all programs. At least it should be.

Would be great if someone can check one of the working scripts he often uses. As I only use XMM and really rare XMuM I don't know which script are still working or broken.

On some of the commands there is still missing a description (folder Syntax). On that I have totally lost track of. So if anybody would help adding the descriptions or would make a list of the missing commands...

Any help is a approciated!!!

Latest release:

Last Minute Info on 06.07.2016:
With the Debugger you can read https sites and websites like where the url does load the main info by a javascript function.
I hope that Ale soon will implement both to XMM/MagicScript, too.
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JDommi Posted - 17 Sep 2015 : 22:09:26
Can be that Ale has made it case insensitive for any purposes but I never have recognized that before.

Anyway I hope you like the prog and it animates even new users to work on scripts, too.
washandgo Posted - 17 Sep 2015 : 21:50:40
Ok, así es, el error es de XMM, en el script deberia de ser "o" pequeña.
El debugger funciona correctamente

Traslation google

Ok, so the error is XMM, the script should be "o" small.
The debugger works properly
JDommi Posted - 16 Sep 2015 : 23:36:37
Error found!

XMM really gets the official web? Then it's technically a bug in XMM!

You are searching for <dt>Web Oficial</dt> but the correct search has to be <dt>Web oficial</dt> (a small o in oficial).
JDommi Posted - 16 Sep 2015 : 22:44:30
Do I understand you correctly that the script stops on line 323? Or is only the result is not shown on the Data tab?
washandgo Posted - 16 Sep 2015 : 22:18:58
Una cosa rara, con el debugger en la línea 323 salta y no toma el dato, con el XMM si que toma el dato, el mismo script y las mismas opciones, que son todas.
Por otro lado el debugger va genial, ahorro de tiempo, no hay que abrir el XMM, es estupendo.

traslation google

One weird thing with the debugger on the line 323 jumps and takes the data, with the XMM if it takes the data, the same script and the same options, which are all.
Furthermore the debugger is great, saving time, do not open the XMM is great.

JDommi Posted - 16 Sep 2015 : 20:01:07
I think that way the original debugger should look like.
Only "bad" thing is the splash screen at the beginning because of the freeware component instead of the commercial one.

If you have more suggestions, comments or bugs let me know!
washandgo Posted - 16 Sep 2015 : 19:07:34
genial y rápido !!! ahora solo tengo que comprar un monitor de 48" para que quepan las letras.

Trastation google

great and fast !!! Only now I have to buy a monitor 48" off to fit letters
JDommi Posted - 15 Sep 2015 : 23:25:55
Just to test...

The font is not yet prepared to be stored in an ini file.
The Editor and the tabs on the right are affected by the font change but not the menus and the buttons.

As tip: you can change the width of the tabs on the right by dragging the divider right behind the editor window.

Reload to get the update. Now with saving the font to an ini file
washandgo Posted - 15 Sep 2015 : 22:34:34
Solamente al editor, al oscurecer, al resaltar, etc.... se hace dificil leer, al menos a mi, que tengo la vista fatal. Uso fuentes un poco más grandes.

traslation google

Only the editor, at dusk, highlighting, etc .... becomes difficult to read, at least to me, that I have a fatal view. Use a little larger fonts.
JDommi Posted - 15 Sep 2015 : 20:59:07
Good that it now works! But strange that it works for me with the last comment lines, too.

suggestions ... you can put the larger font

Let me see what I can do for you. Do you think espcially on the script editor or the other windows/tabs/buttons, too? If it's only the editor then there is no problem to add a function to select another font or font size. All other may need a change in layout I think.
washandgo Posted - 15 Sep 2015 : 20:33:12
OK!!!!!! le he quitado las // del último bloque y ha funcionado.....
Gracias, voy a trastear con el debugger a ver como funciona, sugerencia... se puede poner la letra más grande, para los abuelos, estoy haciendo grandes esfuerzos para no usar la accesibilidad de windows, como la lupa, no es urgente.

Traslation google

OK!!!!!! I have removed the last block // and it worked .....
Thanks, I'll tinker with the debugger to see how it works, suggestions ... you can put the larger font, for grandparents, I'm trying hard not to use the accessibility of windows, as magnifier, it is not urgent.
JDommi Posted - 15 Sep 2015 : 16:05:37
Okay, the MRU list should not be included...
But now you can see ??? in my eyes...
Please send me the actual script you're working with. The last official can be loaded without any problems.
At the moment I would suggest to remove the // signs after the last block. That really seem to be the difficulty.
washandgo Posted - 15 Sep 2015 : 15:10:39
Nada.... no hay forma..... y es el mismo debugger que has usado tu....

Nothing .... no way ..... and it is the same debugger you used your ...

JDommi Posted - 15 Sep 2015 : 13:52:04
Sorry, but for some reasons the old release was not overwritten on mediafire.
Please try this link:

It's for sure the ending // lines.
I'll have to write entirely to keystroke?

Well, autocompletion is available by Ctrl + Space
washandgo Posted - 15 Sep 2015 : 12:40:33
He vuelto a cargar el debugger, pero sigo igual, he probado con los demas scripts y se abren perfectamente, menos los de filmaffinity, he comparado los atributos de los archivos y los de filamaffinity eran distintos, los he nombrado igual que los otros, pero sigo igual.
He ordenado las líneas del script con el margen izquierdo, por si era eso, tampoco. He hecho copiar y pegar a trozos teniendo en cuenta el margen, tampoco funciona....
Es culpa del script, de eso estoy seguro, porque todos los demás funcionan perfectamente.
Lo tendré que escribir entero a golpe de tecla?

traslation google:

I reloaded the debugger, but still the same, I tested the scripts others and perfectly open, less than filmaffinity, I compared the attributes of files and to filamaffinity were different, I've named like the others, but still the same.
I have ordered the lines of the script with the left margin, if it was that, either. I made a copy and paste chunks considering the margin, does not work ....
It is the fault of the script, of that I am sure, for all other work perfectly.
I'll have to write entirely to keystroke?

JDommi Posted - 13 Sep 2015 : 23:33:35
Ah, thanks for your comment!

I will have a look tomorrow what's going wrong.

Please reload the Debugger prog. It was a really stupid bug depending on the //-comment as very last non-empty script line. That's now corrected.
washandgo Posted - 13 Sep 2015 : 20:53:47
I would like to use the debugger, but as the only script that means is I understand Filmaffinity open and get the error (List index out of bounds on the block: Line: 0) and I have to close, I have not had occasion to know how it works Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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