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 My Website Templates

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Prism Posted - 30 Sep 2013 : 04:23:00
Are there any other "My Website" templates available for download?

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fendetestas Posted - 23 Oct 2013 : 23:15:28
Would it be possible to add the

HOME BACK <-previous movie next movie->

to the Default2 tmplate?

Thanks a lot.
Fendetestas Posted - 23 Oct 2013 : 23:12:46
Would it be possible to add the

HOME BACK <-previous movie next movie->

to the Default2 tmplate?

Thanks a lot.
nehickel Posted - 17 Oct 2013 : 06:44:49
Making a new Template from an existing HTML Template is not to difficult. The difficulties are in determining the database information you want and finding if there is actually a database call Keyword that you can use to pull the data into your HTML page.

For example, I took one of the HTML Template folders, copied it to Norm's Template and in Files | Options | Details Panel, I reset the 'Use the Template (MovieCard): with Norm's Template. Now XMM will use my Template anytime the Template needs to open.

All the files in the Norm's Template folder are HTML files but the only files that you should concern yourself with are those that start their filename with an underscore " _ ".

Open the file _Detail.htm to start with. As it's name implies, this file handles getting the detail information for a given Movie from the XMM database and then displaying it on a web page.

How does that information get requested by the HTML page and how does the database populate the web page??? Its MAGIC... or as had been said before ... One Man's Magic is another Man's Science... Here is how it basically works. When you first work on your template web page, you'll put or change HTML Statements that write out the Content you want out, where you want it and how you want it.

Getting the Content out of the XMM Database takes a little Bait & Switch. Specifically when XMM first loads the HTML Template page into XMM, it does a Search & Replace on all of the Keywords in the web page. Once all the Keywords have been replaced with Content values, XMM turns the web page over to the HTML Interpreter which then makes the web page with which XMM populates the area allocated for the HTML Template Page.

Simple Right ???

If anyone has come across a list of what Keywords can be used with the HTML Template area, please let me know since I've been looking for several years and gotten virtually no where. If people are looking for what additional Keywords that could be included, please consider adding MMPA as well as this enhancement to the Functionality for Trailer Files

Trailer File Enhancement:

Objective: To have a launching page that can be easily reached. Ideally it
would be good if another box were added to the existing Boxes
location around or near the top of the main web page used with
HTML Templates. The Box would be labeled as either "Trailers" or
"Added. Content". The link would below the menu of Boxes, all
the records listed in the Files | Trailers data records. Each
record is Hot meaning a double tap will launch the player to
view the Trailer. Because there are 2 different types of Records
(Locally stored files and hyperlinked files somewhere on the
Internet), this could be an issue when launching the file in
the Media Browser.

1) Include a box labeled Trailers that would be grouped
with all the other boxes (i.e. Plot, Synopsis, Crew,
Features, Trivia, ...)

2) There are 2 types of Trailer Files. a) Local b) Hyperlinked
a) Local Files are stored on Hard Drive or a Detachable Hard
Drive. It can be of any format, Size or Speed.
b) Hyperlinked are stored somewhere in the Internet Cloud.
Access to these types of files is NOT Guaranteed nor any
expectation speed.

3) Each type of file also has its own method by which it can be loaded and called from within an XMM HTML Web Page.

(ex. scan all the records in the Movie | Files | Trailers the records in that area a both hyperlinks to other web resources or are links to media files stored on the local computer. each type needs a different method to be made hot and launch the correct media player interface and work correctly.

MPAA Inclusion:

Objective: Include the Movies MPAA rating on the main web page of the HTML Template. Ideally this would be placed under the Movie Details (Right Side of web page)on the 2nd line across from the existing Length: Tag and value. That would put the MPAA: Tag and value just below the 1st line Tag for Language: and its associated value.
skpManiac Posted - 05 Oct 2013 : 14:49:40
Thanks very much Ale :)

For me PERSONALLY, this is what I would like to add/remove from the DEFAULT Template
(I love Default as it uses fanart and looks great)

Remove SEEN/Unseen from Thumbnail View (maybe make it appear on movie card)
Select which options to show, Goofs still does not work for me on IMDB import, so remove from movie card

I have a few 3D titles, but I cannot make the 3D/Blu-ray a selection at the top of the page to show them, so I have had to put various tags in the CODEC boxes instead - A handy feature would be to show/hide CODECS and Movie Features - personally I could do without a CODEC sort and would rather have it by type of Media which is stored under Movie Features - if you look at my page you will what I have done :)

I would also like the trailer embedded into the HTML like Movie Collector does on my DVD pages.

And this really needs fixing on the Average Thumbnail output as mention in other post :)

Also on Export we should be able to define the fields to sort by (again siimilar to Movie Collector)
I hope all this makes sense? ;)
Alessio Viti Posted - 05 Oct 2013 : 06:50:49

Let me know what do you like, after we will think to money

Seriously, I w or other member will try to do this.

skpManiac Posted - 04 Oct 2013 : 12:59:45
Alessio, how about if we build a feature request and donate a small amount of $ each, to get a CUSTOM TEMPLATE to how WE the users would like it to be?

Alessio Viti Posted - 03 Oct 2013 : 14:49:55
No, I am sorry, actually all available are inside XMM

skpManiac Posted - 02 Oct 2013 : 00:29:23
I think we need to work together and create some that are more user friendly Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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