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 HTML Templates
 Template Keywords to make Android use work

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nehickel Posted - 31 Jan 2013 : 03:16:44
I've been using the Template abilities to create custom Catalog's for my Android devices (Phone & Tablet). I use Dropbox as the method to make these catalogs available to their respective devices. In addition to having catalog's on my Andriod devices, I also have my videos available too.

The only thing that the Templates don't offer is the ability to play the videos accept on the computer that XMM 8 is located. The Template keyword _MOVIE_LINK1_ contains the Movie file name and location that is unique to the XMM 8 computer. If however, the Movie information in _MOVIE_TITLE_ were made available (without location information), It would be possible to create Templates with the file path information used on other devices. This would mean Andriod devices could play those videos that they have stored on them.

Another keyword, not required by Android but of great value, would be the MPAA information related the the keyword _MOVIE_MPAA_ that does not work within the HTML Template process.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nehickel Posted - 31 Jan 2013 : 21:42:30

Yes, I have my own Template but its not really worth sharing since its imcomplete. Its based on MediaPortal. I removed code related to all filtering except Alphabetical, that's the best way to view Movie info on small screen devices.

Here are lines I added (does not work since keywords do not get resolved into Movie Values)

<tr valign="top">
<td class="celllabel" width="6%" nowrap="">MPAA:</td>
<td class="cellvalue" width="774" height="17">_MOVIE_MPAA_</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td class="celllabel" width="6%" nowrap="">Format:</td>
<td class="cellvalue" width="774" height="17"> _MOVIE_MEDIA_</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td class="celllabel" width="6%" nowrap="">Ratio:</td>
<td class="cellvalue" width="774" height="17"> _MOVIE_SCREENRATIO_</td>

These lines were placed after the Audio section and before the Movie Files section.

As for the code to play the Movies on various Android devices, I have not written it yet but it will be based upon the HTML and Java Script code I emailed you last Month. I will email you functional Template once code is written.

I really like the My Website function since it easier and simpler than using XMM 7's MyLittleNMT and OnEx together to produce one Catalog.


Alessio Viti Posted - 31 Jan 2013 : 09:47:35
Hello Norm,

I am working on it, do you have your own template to send to me? I will make tests with it.

nehickel Posted - 31 Jan 2013 : 09:44:21
Please ignore the stuff about the _MOVIE_TITLE_ since that Keyword DOES exist in the new Template functionality. Now I just need to figure out an easy way to strip off the year information from it. But at least its a starting point.

The other stuff about MPAA and so on is still important. Ideally it would be nice if all of the database fields were available to My Website. Including Back Cover graphics, Media Type and so on.

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