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 A script to use google to get the IMDB link

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
davep Posted - 30 Sep 2021 : 18:38:32
I find that IMDB's serach engine is, well, a frustrating pain in the ....

It doesn't work well with alternate titles, doesn't include adult results, chooses a movie review show instead of the movie, and sometimes emits results completely.

For those results, I typically type in the movie title and date, and without exception I can recall, has provided the correct movie as its top result and the lovely poster/and info on the right of the search results. It inludes an IMDB link.

The search process, at least to me, seems to take far more time in the search aspect, than the data download side of things when importing - and using google to do that inititial movie identification would save a lot of time. When you're doing large batches of movies, this makes a big difference. As someone who tracks movies (blame my OCD), I'm often adding 50 movies a day.

I've been wondering for a while:

1. How hard would it be to make a script to

a. use google (needing users to put in the own google api key?) to find the IMDB link of the top search result,
b. save that in the correct imdb directlink/weblink format and then
c. use imdb to download the rest of the data for that movie as does the IMDB(complete) script?


2. If someone finds the idea interesting enough to try? I admit hoping that replacing the IMDB (complete) search portion with a google search portion is easy and a GoogleIDMB script is a few minutes work for one of you. :)

Thanks for any education and or awesomeness!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
davep Posted - 01 Oct 2021 : 05:03:16
Thank you. I'll try to figure out where to fit it in in a script when I have a chance.

Having it show the google info/poster/title and a confirmation makes sense.
JDommi Posted - 01 Oct 2021 : 00:47:21
Well, I think that there really can be problems with a wrong movie. But in general (if you always want to get the very first google result) you have to use something like this:
	#FINDLINE#=<a href="

It's just a quick suggestion without any testing!
davep Posted - 30 Sep 2021 : 18:52:35
I did 10 searches, with a few restarts of the web browser and the portion I find that's consistent for the IMDB link is the div class which is consistently "yuRUbf" if that helps...

<div class="yuRUbf"><a href="" data-ved="2ahUKEwiI2dzak6fzAhWVt54KHSUzDuIQFnoECBgQAw" ping="/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url="><br> Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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