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 Updating actors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lioric Posted - 08 Mar 2018 : 06:37:52
I'm trying to update the actors in my movie database
I went to people in the tree view and selected all the people there and ask xmm to update. There are about 30000 people there and after two days of updating the script engine restarts all over again
How do I go about this please
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lioric Posted - 04 Apr 2018 : 10:10:03
I fixed it by using the imdb complete script thank you all
JDommi Posted - 08 Mar 2018 : 11:40:19
Please make a few screenshots as I don't really understand the problem at the moment. Maybe because I'm still a little sick (flu).
Are you speaking of the actors or of the actors' data? Which script(s) do you use?
Lioric Posted - 08 Mar 2018 : 10:38:16
Also I don't know how the earlier movies in my collection has their actor,producer, editor etc slots filled but the later added movies don't have their people slots filled
How do I add the actors
I went to tools and clicked the add the actors for this movie option but it didn't work
It says there's nothing to add
Lioric Posted - 08 Mar 2018 : 10:26:22
I m not importing anything
And yes same here I confirm every single thing that is being imported
But what about the actors
They are already there imported due to the movies that I imported
When I update them this happens
JDommi Posted - 08 Mar 2018 : 08:42:57
For me the best way to update is disabling all automatic imports and then select up to 50 database entries and update them. Only this way I have the full control of everything. Beside that I personally don't set the options to import anything without my explicit wish. Means that I always have to confirm every movie/people before importing. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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