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T O P I C    R E V I E W
johneem Posted - 23 Nov 2011 : 01:55:53
Hello, new member here, I recently found this program, I have loads and loads of mp3's in album format ready to be tagged and renamed.

Most mp3's say track 1, track 2 etc....

I know this may sound like I'm a complete Numpty but I am having problems understanding how EMM works, I'm usually quite proficient with programs but I got a mental block or something with this.

Is there an idiot guide somewhere, I'm assuming this program - does what I need, here's a quick example.

I have a folder called Johnees Music and in it is 30 albums all un named and un tagged, can I scan the albums then retrieve the missing info, and most importantly will the files in 'Johnees Music' be renamed or do the tags live somewhere else.

I am somewhat confused, have loads of mp3's to organize and would gladly purchase the FULL version when this mental block is released by some wise forum member.

Hope you can help as I am starting to grow hairs where hair doesn't usually grow


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