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 I've got an ebook reader and need more features

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mawu Posted - 28 Dec 2011 : 23:07:21
This year Santa brought a nice ebook reader (Sony PRS-T1) to me. Until now extreme Book Manager was only used to archive some "real" books. But from now on the program will have to handle hough amounts of electronic books. I've already tested some other software (Calibre, Alfa ebook Manager), but although they have some nice features concerning conversion and synchronisation the whole managment functions are not so smooth as xBM. But there are some additional features necessary compete with them:

1. Data Fields:

- category field where I can distinguish between book categories like novel, short novel, lyric, Theater Play Scripts, non-fiction book

- table of contets tab/field (Contents (multiple stories, articles, chapters)/table of contents)

- Volume, Issue No.

2. Author Database: according to actors database in xMM there should an authors database. There should be an "author sort order" field to make it possible to sort the authors by last name. As I sort my ebooks according to "Last Name, First Name - Title" this scheme should be available for renaming and importing ebooks.

3. Metadata retrieving not only by parsing file names, but also by reading metadata from the file conent itself. Most important for me: pdf, epub

4.ebook file metadata: update from database data should be possible (instead of using Acrobat or other tools)

5. ISBN retrieving from file content (see alfaebooks)

6. Format of ebooks should be displayed in row and book card. Maybe like in xMM as small iscons for pdf, epub etc. If more than one format for a specific book is available all versions should be displayed side by side with an icon. At the moment there is only the format field to distinguish e.g. between paper books and ebooks. Thats not enough.

7. Copy, move and rename selected book files (with templates from stored data), which means xBM needs an integrated file manager in combination with a good filter system

8. Syncing with e-book reader devices

9. Syncing book collection with Google Library.

10. Syncing with the cloud (Skydrive, Dropbox)

11. Content server for online access to the book collection (Like Calibre)

Bye Byte and Happy Coding
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 07 Jan 2012 : 14:49:07
Sorry Mawu, I haven't work on this yet
Mawu Posted - 07 Jan 2012 : 12:09:47
Any news on this?
Mawu Posted - 29 Dec 2011 : 20:32:20

I made as written in my mail some further tests concerning epub metadata grabbing with xBM

- Picture grabbing works
- Publisher works
- ISBN works
- Description is imported to plot field, which is ok
- Author doesn't work at all
- Publishing date doesn't work at all
- Language is imported to the wrong field. Should be in Language and not in original language field)
- german Umlaute (ä, ö, ü) is a general problem.

The open source epub metadata editor ( will be a good help to tune import of metadata(and maybe later also the writing of xBM-based data into the epub file). Maybe you can also add the additional data fields this editor provides to the xBM database (or map them in a useful way).

BTW: I just realized that the grid in xBM doesn't provide multi-selection (or did I miss something?). Maybe you can add full grid functionality (as we know it from xMM) in one of the next release. Sorry for my drumfire of feature requests but my new toy has shifted my focus from xMM to xBM at the moment.

Bye Byte and Happy Coding
Alessio Viti Posted - 29 Dec 2011 : 12:25:30
I have send to you an email just now... please let me know if you get it because I have lost your email address...

Alessio Viti Posted - 29 Dec 2011 : 12:13:29
Hello Mawu,

I have start some tests with epub files and seem to work... I am able to extract metadata like cover, title, author etc...

I haven't much epub files so i don't know all cases... but its a good start :-)
Alessio Viti Posted - 29 Dec 2011 : 08:07:40
Thank you Mawu!

The first thing I will try to do is to read metadata from epub files...

When I will be ready I will send you an exe to test.

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