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 import problems with tags

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mibu Posted - 17 Dec 2012 : 22:33:57
Importing files form HD has the feature to read tag information from the books file, i.e. epub metadata.

One of these fields is the ISBN, but there is often crap included.

If I scan a directory with 10 files and 1 is new there will be 5 new ones beccause of the difference between the ISBN I did find on the web and the wrong ISBN in the files.

- remove spaces and - from this field
- do a check for correct length
- do a check for correct characters/numbers
- do a check for build-rules for correct ISBN/ASIN if possible
(like a check for creditcard number)

Otherwise: give a list with checkboxes in the preferences for every field which could be read from the file, so the user can include or exclude it from the read process.

The second option is more easy for coding.

Best would be to include both options.... ;-)

May be I could code functions if you give me a hint what is your programming environment/language and may be a little example of your preferred style for coding.

good luck
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mibu Posted - 27 Dec 2012 : 21:01:56
Made research for ISBN-Number and got quick result from Wikipedia:

Presentation with or without additional "-" inside is ok, but for
electronic operation it is ok to remove the "-"
I assume in the following that all "-" are removed

ISBN-10 (old fashioned version until 2007)

Take the leftmost 9 digits, digit 10 is checksum
from the left count the position from 1 to 10
Sum up
z1 * 1 + z2 * 2 + z3 *3 .... + z9 * 9
get modulo 11 from sum
that is digit 10 to check against
if the rest is 10 then digit 10 is represented by X

ISBN-13 (for all books newer than 2007)
(this is now identical with EAN-13 for the book)

Take the leftmost 12 digits, digit 13 is checksum
sum up z1 + z3 + z5 ... + z11
sum up z2 + z4 + z6 ... +z12 and multiply by 3
sum up sum_odd + sum_even*3
get m1 = modulo 10 from sum
get m2 modulo 10 from ( 10 - m1 )
m2 is the digit 13 for checking

Conversion of ISBN-13 to ISBN-10
- remove the leftmost 3 digits
- remove the rightmost checksum digit
- calculate the new checksum digit by the rules for ISBN-10

The last steps are important, because can not find
a book by ISBN-13 (using the extreem-books scrips), even if the
ISBN-13 is correctly read out of the epub-file. It would be good
to add an option to force the conversion to ISBN-10 regulary, if
it is needed for thee used data-source, but to turn it off later,
if the data source has learned to use it.

In the later future it will be ok to use ISBN-13 mostly.

I did not check the theory on examples... sorry, I jusst
believed Wikipedia...

happy new year

mibu Posted - 20 Dec 2012 : 19:13:44
Hello Alessio,

you just got me on the wrong foot....

I have used nearly 20 programming languages in my life, but I
have no experience with java or .net.

But that does'nt matter, if i want it it will be possible....

I checked again a bigger import of files and I found some more
misshaps beneath the ISBN-number:

I mark the checkbox to get info from the filename, that means the
author and the title I want to appear becaus I work on that in
advancde. Instead of taking author and title from the filename the
program takes something from the metadata.

If I would have a nice collection of ebooks from amazon that could
be nice, but it is not good for things which are not available from
shops and scanned by hobbyists, who don't know how to fill the
metadata correctly.

The result are lines in the database where the author is is in the
Title Field too or in the title filed is something including
advertising or descriptions etc. I really miss thee option
1. prefer the info from filename
2. do not overwrite existing data like on the internet import page

Before I did buy my account I did use the hacked version,
and I did like the import funktion very much. Now it is "betteer"
with the import of pictures and the possibility of working on
database fields, but the other import funktions are problematic.

more about that in bugs and suggestions

Alessio Viti Posted - 19 Dec 2012 : 18:03:56
Hello Mibu,

The software is made in VB .NET 2010... I will try to take a look what I can do.

Thnak you!

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