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 HTML Engine not complete yet?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Prinz Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 18:34:56
I tried to modify the GameCard, but i think the Functions aren't yet implemented.

When i right click on the loaded gamecard and choose View Sourcecode i get a almost empty file with the name about_blank[1]:


Relative paths aren't accepted for anything like Images, external css or js scripts. So you get paths like about:GameCards/Symbols/quick.png and nothing is shown. I can't use absolute paths because not everybody has the same paths...
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 22:06:32
Hi Prinz,

The function should be working correctly in, please let me know if you find some bugs.

Thank you,

Alessio Viti Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 22:05:02
Eeemmmm... is not inside the New Game window yet, I have just create the structure and the magicscript instruction...


PS: About the <BR>, I will try to add in the next release, and then if works also inside XMM

Thank you!

Prinz Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 21:48:39
I'm i blind or i don't see a review field inside the add/edit dialog or html card. Yes with access i see the field, but not in xgm with the exception of the grid.
Prinz Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 21:33:31
Yes and it's working now.

But some Fields don't add <br> tags for line-breaks example: _GAME_DESCRIPTION_, _GAME_NOTES_, _GAME_CUSTOMFIELD7_ (just like in XMM some don't add the <br> tag)
Alessio Viti Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 21:30:30
Prinz the new release to test is online, thank you!

I have add the Reviews field, so you have to replace the old example.mdb with the new one (the install should do the job for you)

Now you could also create new database without errors

Alessio Viti Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 20:35:29
Hi Prinz,

I have found the problem I think, as you can see there is no more "click" when you select a game, I have use another way to load the HTML but seem that gives you problems.

I will try to upload in few hours another exe for you. Just use the liveupdate.

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