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bobgamer Posted - 30 Nov 2014 : 06:52:12
I made a new Genre Icon but it has a string unrecognized by the software (or database), its a custom genre I added called Instant Action/First Person Shooter.

Is there any way I can Link these game to this new Genre Icon.

I would also like to create my own Platform Icons.

Thank You
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JDommi Posted - 09 Dec 2014 : 14:25:25
Try using the Fields_Example_Card.htm.
All those fields should work. If not it surely a bug.
bobgamer Posted - 09 Dec 2014 : 07:06:22
Hey, I have another question. Is it possible to have text and an image in the custom fields.

As usual I need help to do it, if it has to do with editing a java-script or HTML script.

Thank you.

I cannot seem to display any custom fields other than the first custom field.

I tried to fill custom field 2 and it wont show on the game card. Maybe a bug - not sure.
JDommi Posted - 03 Dec 2014 : 09:50:38
Yes, please give me a while to check it out.

The answer is on it's way!
bobgamer Posted - 03 Dec 2014 : 08:48:42
Sent it a while ago, hope you got it.
JDommi Posted - 02 Dec 2014 : 22:17:24
Send it to JDommi -at-
bobgamer Posted - 02 Dec 2014 : 22:02:23
Originally posted by JDommi

Please send me the pic and I will try to make it work.

How do I upload it for you?
JDommi Posted - 02 Dec 2014 : 09:40:09
Please send me the pic and I will try to make it work.
bobgamer Posted - 02 Dec 2014 : 00:46:29
I have tried everything, edited every java script with Genre in its title, I even replaced a regular icon with mine. I think its my icon that is the problem. however it is the same as all the rest:

48 x 48 - 50 x 50

It doesn't work. No problem though it was a minor thing I asked for anyway.
JDommi Posted - 01 Dec 2014 : 10:31:04
I just have had a look at the GamesCard. The javascript is still used. So it must be a simple syntax error.

Best is to add a test line in games_bigcover.htm. Open that file and search for following line:
<script type=text/javascript>var extb = '_GAME_GENRE_'</script>

Now add:
<script type=text/javascript>alert(extb)/script>

This new line shows you the correct spelling of your genre which you have to add in the code below.
Also have a look if there is no typo in the picture name and the format is correct, too.

} else if(a == "Instant Action - First Person Shooter") {
document.write('<img border="0" src="GamesCards/Genre/InstantAction.png" width="48" height="48">');

} else {
document.write('<img border="0" src="GamesCards/Genre/unassigned.png" width="48" height="48">');
bobgamer Posted - 30 Nov 2014 : 23:52:56
I tried your suggestion, but did not work. probably do to my complete lack of scripting and programming skill.

See this and maybe I did this wrong:

} else if(a == "Instant Action/First Person Shooter") {
document.write('<img border="0" src="GamesCards/Genre/Instant Action First Person Shooter.png" width="48" height="48">');

This the last line from my script, after the last official entry.


Tried this too:

} else if(a == "Instant Action - First Person Shooter") {
document.write('<img border="0" src="GamesCards/Genre/Instant Action First Person Shooter.png" width="48" height="48">');
} else {
document.write('<img border="0" src="GamesCards/Genre/unassigned.png" width="48" height="48">');

Put it before the end else. I remember If: Then: Else: in basic on my commodore 64. Guess even java-script doesn't stray far from old basic programing.
JDommi Posted - 30 Nov 2014 : 10:51:07
I'm not familiar with the games manager therefor you have to test it.

Edit here:
C:\Users\YOURPROFILE\Documents\eXtreme Games Manager\GamesCards\games_bigcover\Genres.js
Add these lines before the last else statement:
} else if(a == "GENRE_IN_DATABASE") {
document.write('<img border="0" src="GamesCards/Genre/GENRE_PICTURE.png" width="48" height="48">');

Of course you have to change GENRE_IN_DATABASE and GENRE_PICTURE to the one you wanna add.

For your platform images go to C:\Users\YOURPROFILE\Documents\eXtreme Games Manager\PlatformImages. Official Forum © Go To Top Of Page
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