Public your Collection ONLINE to Share with other people

If you want publish your collection ONLINE to share with other people or just to browse it with your Smartphone or Tablet there is a quick way to do this.

What you need is a “DropBox” account where store your files.

1) First of all Install and Create an Account on DropBox Here

2) Go in Devices → My Collection in HTML. Click on the Setting Button

3) On the Setting Window select the PUBLIC folder of DropBox:

4) Now close the Settings and Click on Syncronize Button. XMM will create all HTML Files you need

5) Open the Dropbox Website, go to your Public Folder and select the INDEX.HTML file.

6) Right-click/control-click this file, then choose Dropbox > Copy Public Link. This copies the Internet link to your file so that you can paste it somewhere else.

That's it! You can now share this file with others: just paste the link into e-mails, instant message conversations, blogs, etc.!

Note: Paste the Link to Your Browser (From your Smartphone, Tablet, PC or Console!!